Getting over a Fan-crush

Ways to get over a fan-crush on someone (athlete, etc.)

  1. Time (heals all wounds? or something)
  2. Too much exposure/get sick of him or her. Maybe this happened with Rafael Nadal, though I never really fangirled him that hard.
  3. Start fangirling someone else. THIS happens all the time.
  4. Become too busy (aka have an actual life outside of following the sport/person)
  5. Have a dream where the person wonders why the hell you are fangirling him and you freeze up (in the dream)
  6. Actually meet the person and be disappointed. This has never happened to me so I can’t say anything

So my lovely crush on a certain Brazilian tennis player fell susceptible to reason #5 above. I still will probably check on his results as part of my overall fangirling of men’s college tennis, but now I am crush-less until the next phenom sneak-attacks me.

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